Rules for using the certification mark
These “Rules for Use of Conformity Marks for Management Systems” (hereinafter “Rules”) contain requirements for the application procedure, as well as requirements for the form and size of conformity marks for management systems (hereinafter “MS”) authorized for use by certified customers of Central Asia Certification LLC (hereinafter “MSCB”).
Conformity mark – a duly protected sign issued and applied in accordance with these Rules.
The organization, which has passed the certification of the management system at MSCB “Central Asia Certification”, receives the right to use the conformity mark for promotional purposes. The rights to use the conformity mark are transferred to the certified customer as part of the supervision of the certified management system.
The certified purchaser has the right to use the conformity marks:
- on advertising and informational materials, printed publications, etc;
- on business cards;
- on official letterhead (letters, envelopes, faxes, etc.);
- on the website.
Where these materials contain information on subdivisions or branches of the customer organization that have not been certified (e.g.: dealers, sales offices) and/or activities not covered by certification, these materials shall clearly identify which part of the organization is certified and/or for which activities a certificate of compliance has been issued.
The organization shall use the conformity marks in the materials listed above only to confirm that its management system complies with certain standards and shall not use it in such a way as to give the impression that its products/services are certified by MSCB.
Marks of conformity may not be affixed to product packaging which is an integral part of the product (e.g.: bottle or can). However, conformity marks may be affixed to the product box only if this would not give the impression that the product is certified by MSCB.
The use of conformity marks for application on symbols, flags, vehicles of the organization is prohibited.
Use of conformity marks on products, samples, quality certificates, test reports, verification reports of the organization, etc. shall be prohibited. It is allowed to give the following wording instead of the image of conformity mark: “Quality management system is certified for compliance with the requirements of a particular standard for management system for which the MS operating system certificate was issued.
- comply in full with the rules and requirements for the conformity mark, comply with the shape, color and size of the conformity marks established by these Rules;
- to exclude improper use of conformity marks;
- in case of improper use of conformity marks, pay the MSCB costs associated with the implementation of corrective measures.
MSCB systematically monitors compliance with the rules for the use of conformity marks when supervising the certified management system of the organization.
MSCB informs the organization about all changes in the Rules of use of conformity marks and the dates of their entry into force.
The right to use conformity marks shall automatically terminate upon expiry of the certificate of conformity and its cancellation.
In case of suspension of the certificate of conformity, the organization shall lose the right to use the conformity marks. In such cases, the organization shall have the right to use materials and documentation with conformity marks for one month from the date of decision on suspension of the certificate of compliance.
In case of obtaining evidence of non-compliance with the rules of use of conformity marks by the organization, the MS”Central Asia Certification” in order to protect its reputation may carry out the following corrective measures:
- suspend the certificate of conformity/right to use conformity marks;
- to appoint an additional verification of the MS of the organization;
- revoke the certificate of conformity/right to use the conformity marks;
- take action in accordance with the current legislation (appeal to the court).
The type of corrective action depends on the nature of the misuse of the conformity mark, its consequences and its causes (whether it was intentional or accidental). In any case, the organization shall immediately discontinue the use of conformity marks for those situations that have been determined to be unacceptable to the MS.
The decision on application and type of corrective action shall be made by the management of Central Asia Certification LLC.
The size of the conformity symbols must guarantee that its elements are clear and distinguishable to the naked eye. The proportion of conformity marks must be maintained.
The minimum diameter of conformity marks, which are placed on the documents of A4 format and more, shall be 15 mm, on the documents whose format is less than A4 – 9 mm. The minimum size of conformity marks placed in electronic environment is 15 mm.
The conformity mark may be made in black on a white background.